Ashley Cairns is often described by her peers as Energetic, Creative, and a Strategic Thinker.
Ashley Cairns' Current Projects
A Change for Better
Ashley Cairns is the Co-Founder and Director of A Change for Better (ACFB). ACFB is a mental health community of therapists and members of the public with the goal of sharing resources and access to mental health therapy from qualified and registered therapists.
ACFB donates between 10-100% of all public and professional memberships to The ACFB Fund in hopes of using the power of community to make real change.
The ACFB Fund
Branching off from ACFB, The ACFB Fund is the charitable side of ACFB and seeks to help fill the funding gaps in the current mental health system. The ACFB Fund is first a connection service, providing resources and referrals to appropriate services and support. Second, The ACFB Fund picks up where current funding leaves off and funds resources and therapy sessions to those who would not qualify for support in other ways.
Our Office Online
In learning how to build a platform as complex as ACFB, Ashley has learned over the past 3 years not only how to run a company, but how to build websites, market on social media, and graphic design. Our Office Online (OOO) is a passion project of Ashley and her husband Joe helping therapists navigate the world of private practice with a variety of services and support to meet their ever-growing needs.
NZAC Regional Representative to National
In Nov 2022, Ashley was elected and confirmed into the position of Regional Representative to National for the top of the South Island for the New Zealand Association of Counsellors (NZAC). Ashley's region includes Aoraki, Canterbury, West Coast, Nelson, and Marlborough. In addition to this position, Ashley is also the Editor of the South Island NZAC Newsletter - a project that sees all the active regions in the South Island contributing to the sharing of information and resources.
Private Practice Mental Health Therapy
Frustrated by the community mental health system, Ashley went into private practice in 2019 locally in Southbridge and Christchurch as well as online.
Ashley primarily helps those experiencing mental health concerns related to depression, anxiety, ADHD, and those who identify as being on the autism spectrum.
Currently, sessions with Ashley are available in her Southbridge studio and online between 10:00am - 7:00pm
Funding for mental health sessions is available through Gumboot (under 25's), Will to Live (farmers), Rural Support (farmers), WINZ (low-income), OCP (EAP), and The ACFB Fund.
Ashley Cairns' Wide Range of Skills
Due to the nature of her varied roles, Ashley has picked up an array of skills making her knowledge and assistance sought after in the mental health business community in New Zealand.